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Friday, October 9, 2015

Our Secret Affair with Tanning

How we get our tans is often a secret affair. Sure we may mention going to the tanning bed or getting a spray tan but rarely do we talk about it anymore than that. I was asking myself why this is when we are always up to show off our new hair cuts or shoes and tell where we got it.  Why do our people hide how they got that nature glowing tan?

In 2015 and 2016 Twitter and Facebook reported that images and videos have increased by 26%. This is true and in most of my advertising I always like to post a image for customers to see.  But rarely are my post shared with others are even liked. I have asked myself why for awhile now and have changed the way I post on social media to see about getting people more active in sharing my post. After all, friends listen to other friends but again when it comes to tanning, we are often closed lips about it.

We must find out the reason why our consumers  keep their tanning lives a secret. So to come up with an answer to the problem, I have came up with a list of questions kind of like a survey that we can ask some of our clients. Print them out or just ask random customers a question here and there. Share your thoughts in the comments below or email me if you like. Lets find the cause so we can find an answer.

Ask Your Customers about Their Secret Affair with Tanning.

  1. How long have you been tanning?
  2. What are some of your concerns about tanning?
  3. Do you keep your tanning a secret and if so why?
  4. Do you believe the media has given tanning a bad rep?
  5. Have you spoken to your doctor about tanning bed use?
  6. When was the last time you heard something positive about tanning?
  7. Do you think education about tanning is needed more in salons?
  8. Do you think your tan is to light or to dark?
  9. Do you use tanning lotions in tanning beds and if not why?
  10. Have you ever thought about spray tans?
  11. What are your concerns with spray tanning?
  12. Do you know anything about spray tan products?
  13. Where do you get your information about tanning products?
  14. Do you have any concerns about your skin and skin cancer?
  15. How often do you tan and do you wish you did it more or less?
  16. What are some of the things you do to condition your skin?
  17. Do you use any type of lotion to help condition your tan?
  18. Do you use a product to protect you skin from harmful sun rays?
  19. Do you like to come to the salon solo or with a friend?
  20. How often do you mention the tanning products you use to friends?
  21. Do you ever talk about our salon to your friends?
  22. Have you ever taken before and after photos while tanning?
 These question may not just help us solve the issue with our tanning affairs but also may help us understand more of what or clients are looking for in products and information. Lets help them feel more secure with not only there health and looks but find some of the benefits we can offer them.

"We Love Iwata!"