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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Safety while Spray Tanning

Due to the new allegations by, ABC News, that spray tanning is not safe; we must take matters into our hands and fight the war FOR safety within our businesses. Protective materials are needed for our workers and also our clients. Another bar has been set for spray tanners and it is time for us to learn new techniques and better habits in the protection of all around us.

A new safety line will be on display through us by the end of June. These products will able to better protect us all. In the line you will see nose filters for clients and masks for worker to use whichever they may like.  Eye covers for clients and safety glasses for workers will also be listed products. Package lip balms and even though you may already have them, gloves to.
Please respond if you have any questions and we will be glad to help. You can read more below on the news reports that were mentioned above.

"We Love Iwata!"