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Monday, January 14, 2013

20 Years of Tanning Bed Use.

Patricia Krentcil, also known as the ''The Tanning Mom" has reformed and is no longer using the UV Light tanning beds to get her tan.  She has been seeking professional help to deal with her excessive tanning disorder also known as Tanerexcia, and we wish her well in her quest. Patricia Krentcil became famous in 2012 for the allegations (never proven) of letting her 5 year old tan within a tanning bed which ended up producing burns on the child.

This last year, many of us has looked to Patricia and judged her for what she has done to herself, but she is not alone with her disorder. Tanning salons all across the board have seen the effect 1st hand of over tanerexcia with UV lights. It has been happening for a long time now, and I feel that Patricia has brought this more into light for our industry. Many of you may have had the discussion with a client or two over excessive tanning and possible have recommend some safe alternatives or skin treatments for these clients. If you haven't before spoken up to them, please do mention some of your concerns to them and let them know you are thinking of there health. In the end it is the clients decision if they change there methods or not, but I do think you will get some brownie points for being concerned for them.

As many of you know, tanning effects our skin. The more we tan the more we harm ourselves in health and our skin as we grow older. It is important to remember the #1 rule in tanning and that is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Hydrating our skin while tanning helps our body heal and except the tan more. It doesn't matter what type of tanning method you use, The sun, UV lights and even sunless tanning. Our skincare is #1 not the tan.  We encourage salons not to focus on just tanning products within there businesses but to look at skin care treatment and regiments that your clients may be interested in. Lotions, creams, mud mask, body wraps, mineral treatments, there are so many to choose from that can help keep our skin healthy while tanning. Offer them as retail items for purchase or start offering the services yourself and bring in extra income. Many larger salons already offer these types of treatments and even have the hydration booths.

Many women are taken more of a roll with their skin care regiments like Patricia Krentcil who is seeking new skin treatments and her skin is already starting to improve. It is never to late to start caring for your skin no matter what the damage may be. UV Tanning has come a long ways in the last 20 years and so have the people who have used these services.  We all have learned a lot and we still are learning new things to this day.

Tanerexcia is something we should all look into and learn more about. It is like most any other additions we have and we encourage you to learn more on the subject.  Included is a link to Wikipedia about tanning additions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let's Start Promoting our Business!

You are all keeping us busy here in Alabama working hard to get out your supplies, so we know you are all busy bees to! Our orders are going out faster than ever before and many of you getting your supplies within a weeks time. This is because we and our suppliers and manufacturers have all set new standards for our companies are working harder to achieve them. All the companies we deal with are long standing suppliers and WE understand the demand you have to get your supplies as needed. So rest assure you can count on us to not only help you find the right equipment and supplies, you will also be getting them faster than before.

As we have notice the last few weeks, many of you are stocking up on tanning solutions and retail products for your salon. This is why we have some special promotional items right now at great discounts. You must check them out at DISCOUNTS & SPECIALS on our website.

So now, let's talk about Promoting! You have it goin on right now and NOW is a perfect time to promote your services. A spray tan package always get a customers attention.  Something simple and easy to explain like "Special of the Month! Spray Tan a Week.''  Hang a sign out front of your salon to get their attention even more.

Which brings me to the second marketing tool you should consider. Signage and posters, flyers and any other type of print item you can think of. Put a small poster in rooms with tanning beds or around your salon or spa. As your customers come in daily and see these items, they become more curious and will more than likely ask about your spray tan services.

We have added items to our MARKETING MATERIALS with many free downloads you can print right from your home. Investing in marketing can get expensive at times and sometimes we might be running low on our supplies. These free downloads can help in a pinch so please download whatever you may like. Some can be edited and you can add your own business information with simple word programs. And other are in pdf documents that can be opened with simple Adobe readers.

I know this may seem shorter than my other blast outs, but I'm a little tired right now from working hard for all of you today. I'll be back tomorrow doing what I love and that is talking with all of you teaching, learning, and being a partner as well as a friend. So until we speak again, Good Luck!

"We Love Iwata!"