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Friday, June 28, 2019

Should I choose and Airbrush or Turbine for tanning?

Which is Better HVLP Turbine or Airbrush Equipment?

I know that in a month I will be asked a hundred times, the question, “Which equipment gives the better the airbrush or the turbine?” The truth of the matter is it all depends on your business and what you plan to use your equipment for. Many salons now days perform many different types of services with equipment, from tanning, nails, makeup, tattoo, and body art. If your salon or spa is interested in performing any of these services with your equipment, then it is a most to have airbrush equipment.

Lets first begin with explaining the HVLP Turbine systems. Turbines are some of the most comfortable equipment to use in tanning. They come pre-adjusted, so there is no fuss or hassle in setting your machine up. They are also straightforward in performance when performing a spray tan. Turbines can spray large areas such as the body in a short time (tanning in Five minutes). Because of the ease and the speed of which this type of equipment can perform is the reason why it has grown in the tanning industry.

Turbines for tanning are most often made from plastic products. Spray tan systems for tanning, comes with compressor hose and spray gun. They are straightforward to clean and maintain for salons. Because they are made of plastic, you must watch how you handle your equipment. This type of material can be easily damaged if not taken care of and with Turbines cost, it is essential to take care of your machine so you will not have to replace expensive guns or compressors.

There are limits to using the turbine system. HVLP Turbines only come in the spray guns; so smaller detail works such as nails, makeup, and tattoos are out of the running with this equipment.

Airbrush equipment is widely known in the beauty industry for all types of services. Mostly they are known in the tanning and nail industry, but they are becoming a growing demand in body art and makeup industry also.

Airbrush equipment can be less expensive than turbines in tanning, but it also inexpensive to add these other services with a new airbrush at a low cost. Most airbrushes can perform several beauty services for your business. Most airbrushes that can be used for tanning can also be used for tattoo and body art. Other airbrushes can be used for nails, makeup, and tattoo all in one airbrush. With airbrush equipment, you also have the option of the spray guns, which allows you to perform tanning in five minutes just like a turbine system. These spray guns can also be used for larger body artwork.

Airbrush Equipment does have a wide selection of equipment to choose from. Before ordering, it is a good idea to talk with a professional and explain which services you are interested in.

There are also a few more things you need to know about airbrush equipment. With airbrush equipment, you must learn to use the proper settings for you to work with it correctly. You have the option to adjust the airflow and the mist of the spray tan. It is the same with nails and makeup and tattoos. Before professionally using your equipment, you need to become familiar with this setting and how to adjusting according to your own demands. Some persons like to go slower while others want to move faster. This is great for salons that will have more than one user with equipment.

When using heavier paints in nails, makeup, and tattoo, you will need to clean your equipment with an airbrush cleaner. This will help lubricate the pens and needles inside your machine. Always clean equipment after every use. Do not let it sit for an extended amount of time, or this can seriously damage your airbrushes.

Airbrush equipment is made of several different types of products. They come in chrome, metal, aluminum, and platinum materials.

Some inexpensive equipment can have plastic handles or triggers. Airbrush equipment is very durable and can last for prolonged amounts of times. Some of the best manufactures back their products with excellent warranties of up to five years. Needles are something that will need to be replaced occasionally, but they only cost a few dollars. If damage does happen to a piece of your equipment, it is effortless to replace that piece at a meager cost. There is no reason to have to buy a new airbrush with parts at such a low price.

So which equipment is better? That is a question you will have to decide. Hopefully, the information above can help you in choosing the right equipment for you.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Our Secret Affair with Tanning

How we get our tans is often a secret affair. Sure we may mention going to the tanning bed or getting a spray tan but rarely do we talk about it anymore than that. I was asking myself why this is when we are always up to show off our new hair cuts or shoes and tell where we got it.  Why do our people hide how they got that nature glowing tan?

In 2015 and 2016 Twitter and Facebook reported that images and videos have increased by 26%. This is true and in most of my advertising I always like to post a image for customers to see.  But rarely are my post shared with others are even liked. I have asked myself why for awhile now and have changed the way I post on social media to see about getting people more active in sharing my post. After all, friends listen to other friends but again when it comes to tanning, we are often closed lips about it.

We must find out the reason why our consumers  keep their tanning lives a secret. So to come up with an answer to the problem, I have came up with a list of questions kind of like a survey that we can ask some of our clients. Print them out or just ask random customers a question here and there. Share your thoughts in the comments below or email me if you like. Lets find the cause so we can find an answer.

Ask Your Customers about Their Secret Affair with Tanning.

  1. How long have you been tanning?
  2. What are some of your concerns about tanning?
  3. Do you keep your tanning a secret and if so why?
  4. Do you believe the media has given tanning a bad rep?
  5. Have you spoken to your doctor about tanning bed use?
  6. When was the last time you heard something positive about tanning?
  7. Do you think education about tanning is needed more in salons?
  8. Do you think your tan is to light or to dark?
  9. Do you use tanning lotions in tanning beds and if not why?
  10. Have you ever thought about spray tans?
  11. What are your concerns with spray tanning?
  12. Do you know anything about spray tan products?
  13. Where do you get your information about tanning products?
  14. Do you have any concerns about your skin and skin cancer?
  15. How often do you tan and do you wish you did it more or less?
  16. What are some of the things you do to condition your skin?
  17. Do you use any type of lotion to help condition your tan?
  18. Do you use a product to protect you skin from harmful sun rays?
  19. Do you like to come to the salon solo or with a friend?
  20. How often do you mention the tanning products you use to friends?
  21. Do you ever talk about our salon to your friends?
  22. Have you ever taken before and after photos while tanning?
 These question may not just help us solve the issue with our tanning affairs but also may help us understand more of what or clients are looking for in products and information. Lets help them feel more secure with not only there health and looks but find some of the benefits we can offer them.

"We Love Iwata!"